Madalyn Marquez was born and raised in Long Beach, California and knows LA and Orange Counties inside out. As a young mom, she began dabbling in poker and quickly realized a natural flair for it. Before long she was crushing the live poker scene in LA, building lucrative games with her persuasive charm, and then dominating the action with her mastery of the game’s tactics and psychology. Despite her intense competitiveness, Maddie made lifelong friends along the way, because as hard as it is to beat her, it’s even tougher not to love her!

Her comfort within the cutthroat gaming environment only flourished over time, but eventually Maddie wanted a beautiful home — don’t we all! — and the paperwork required a full-time job. She found work as a receptionist at a local medical clinic, but within days she discovered many leaks in the business: unpaid bills, schedule snafus, stone-age tech, etc. This clinic needed a makeover!

With her sharp eye for detail and streamlined efficiency, Madalyn went right to work patching holes and generating cash flow. By the time she’d finalized the deal on her new house, the doctor was begging her not to go. “Name your price,” he said. So Maddie took a promotion and took on new duties as the business manager, handling everything from the cold math of accounts and insurance to the intimacy and tact required in formulating long-term treatment plans for patients.

But even then, Madalyn knew her dream job was still waiting for her. It would somehow blend her competitive fire, her street smarts, and her passion for helping people. Well she’s always been fascinated by the aesthetics of architecture and property, both residential and commercial, and so the move into real estate was inevitable. It’s the perfect field for her, showcasing all of her considerable strengths, including attentiveness and drive and a keen understanding of value, but also a love for beauty and an appreciation of the relationship between form and function. She’s a born negotiator who knows the area like the back of her hand, and is well-trained in all facets of the business.

As a poker pro, Maddie cultivated a delicate balance of ferocity and composure. She’s always one step ahead, never tipping her hand, and now she’s working for you!